Digital Twin

Metaverse and AI Smart Health Care Enterprises

The digital twin is the core of metaverse that links the physical entity with the virtual reality. Wang et al (2022) has illustrated one of digital twin applications to build up AI-enabled metaverse healthcare.

This metaverse infrastructure starts from two entities, including the physical world that consists of the real patient and the virtual group that embraces the Avatar created from the digital twin model and the phantom using 3-D printer technology.

Metaverse Avatar Digital Twin (Avatar)

The movie “Avatar” mirrored the digital twin concept of metaverse healthcare as shown in “Snow Crash” novel and also the digital-twin-enabled metaverse healthcare. In the real world, the Jack is a paralyzed man that needs wheelchair but he is a strong and robust knight hero in the virtual world for saving the Pandola planet after he realized it is improper to invade this lovely earth on the grounds of commercial benefits.

The digital twin concept under the context of metaverse has elaborated why the name of Facebook was changed into metaverse. Such a digital twin concept is further augmented by the smart mobile phone particularly during COVID-19 pandemic period.

The Avatar created by the digital twin model with the machine learning algorithm has facilitated the early epidemiological investigation of community-acquired outbreaks based on TOCC information.

Digital twin scan

To transform the real world Jack to the virtual Jack, the Avtar has to be created by the digital twin scan after learning relevant parameters obtained from the holistic big data that embrace various parts of physical and cognitive functions.

In the realm of metaverse health, likewise, Figure XX shows the use of virtual comparative scanning to have digital twin scan.

It should be noted that to a series of consecutive data need to be collected in order to learn relevant parameters for digital scan.

In FIT screening for colorectal cancer, a series of f-Hb concentrations and the imaging profile of colonoscopy before diagnosis can be collected.

In addition, information also includes conventional risk factors responsible for the natural history of colorectal neoplasia progression.

Figure shows three cases after the uptake of FIT screening, including screen-detected CRC, PCCRC, and FIT interval cancer. The similar logic is also applied to collecting a series digital mammography for breast cancer screening.

3-D Printer Digital Twin

In the movie of “Avatar”, the virtual Jack is like the product of 3D-printed Jack. Interestingly, 3-D printer digital twin is often implicated in the product of digital twin in the metaverse.

Several typical examples are shown, embracing 3D-printed dental implantation, the digital breast synthesized from digital mammography and tomosynthesis, and fecal microbiota transplantation (FMT).

Establishing Cross-species IoT Connections

The introduction of IoT (Internet of Thing) is the main driver for metaverse because it connects internet worldwide across species, space, and time.

In the Avtar movie, the tail of Jack is connected to his specific flying dragon for air transportation, which reveals the application of IoT in the realm of metaverse. This is the exact concept of applying IoT to creating Google map, the Browser, the weather report and so on through App across countries and time.

Smart health care through IoT plays an important role in metaverse healthcare. Figure X shows the connection between physical space that coves comprehensive information and the digital space that uses the digital twin technology to accomplish versatile tasks including clinical decision support, personalized pathways, real-time monitoring, etc.

This is called “IoT care” with the digital twin approach. In the framework of metaverse healthcare, information on IoT care is shared in the cloud and the tasks related to IoT care is also completed in the cloud with fogged computing.

Personalized IoT Connected Network

In the Avatar movie, IoT network of air transportation is personalized because each one has his or her own flying dragon. Such a personalized IoT is further connected across people.

The personalized IoT care is augmented with the digital twin model. Figure shows cancer patient digital twin model (CDPT) that illustrate the better use of multiscale and multimodal data to make prediction through machine learning with fogged computing, to propose personalized decision support, to create the digital twin patient cohort with recursive training for fitting 4 P medicine principle.